Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hello Pampers!

Social conscience is the new shit apparently. People have to feel good about consuming, even if they hardly have any money left for it. So, this one is for pampers:
Dear madame/sir,
I couldn't help but notice your commercial where you offer to buy a vaccine for every package of pampers we buy as consumers. You tried to convince us of how good hearted you are with a commercial.
Well I didn't find the one you air in Sweden, but it was about as pan-global as this one:

Well, seriously, it might sell to a good all American suckermum (is it sockermum or was it hockeymum???) but the rest of the world who have seen American wars and a financial crisis due to American consumers, we don't want to feel American.
I know you can make a local adjustment and just put a voiceover on it, its not that expensive and it can be beautiful done. Like you did in Holland. But you choose to be cheap about it, and it will hurt your brand.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The black parade kills itself

The punk/rock band My chemical romance have been targeted by the Daily Mail for a while now. This is about how things went:

Daily mail made an article about the dangerous "Emo cult" and pointed out My Chemical Romance as leader of the pack.

The singer from My Chemical Romance talked about the issue at a rock concert, stating that "nothing is worth harming yourselves over" and proceeded to agitate the crowd to chant the slogan of the year "Fuck the Daily Mail!"

The Daily Mail digs up a suicide, a 13 year old girl who had been listening to the music for a couple of weeks according to the Daily Mail. They proceed by using this girls death as a bat to take a swing at My Chemical Romance. They blame the band for the young girls death and claim that "The black parade" is a "place you go to when you die".

The fans of the band comes together and arranges a protest, held on May 31:st in London.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Kat Von D and the not so permanent colors

Kat Von D just launch her own make up line, working with Sephora. Guess it was just a matter of time but I like the brushset ^^

I wonder how long until Lancome claim infringement on their rose logo.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Have you ever slammed the phone after talking to a government employee muttering "wankers!"?
Well, if you look at OGC, the Office of Government Commerce and their new logo, it may be closer to the truth than you think.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One of those mancrushes...

Its official, I have a mancrush on Scott Hansen and and the work he produces. And I couldn't attend his workshop in Stockholm, poop! But, If you havn't attended a workshop with him, there's the next best thing, you can pick up your very own print art from his webshop.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Sigur Rós released the whole video on youtube. Don't we just love them :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

MTV and us.

I was 12 when my dad decided, on a bit of a whim, to get satellite TV. I used to sneak up on late sunday evnings to watch Vanessa Warick on MTVs headbangersball. I remember pushing the volume down so low that I had to sit 2 inch away from the televisionset, afraid to wake my parents up.
I loved Poison because they had Bret. I loved Skid Row cause they had Sebastian Bach and for some reason, maybe it was the music, I liked the Black Crowes.
I realized I still have MTV when I flipped channels today. It was some rap hiphop special. Back in the days, I hated Dr. dre. Apparently, he has lost some weight and now "pimp cars".
God, I wish i could get The Fuse instead.

Then, along came internet.
I no longer have to wait for my favourite bands to come on, I can make a youtube playlist and go about my business while listening to the best interviews and videos.
Question is, will the TV music channels as we know them be the first to die?