Thursday, December 13, 2007

My christmas wish list

My Christmas wish list happens to correspond with this list. "30 delightful graphic design books"
Source for text and picture; You the designer

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Beckham "porn"

The first new photo from Armani underwear, featuring Beckham is out. These are the comments from the people (mainly girls) at the sugar network.
I also just found this campaign for JBS underwear with female modells cause "men dont want to look at naked men".
Well, obviously women want to look at Beckham, but it ain't the women buying the male underwear. I for one, see only one solution, to equip Mr. Beckham with some underwear that females would buy...

I'll just mac something up

I heard that expression the first time I worked in London. It sounded weird to me to say "mac something up". You see, my laptop was a PC, cause it was cheaper to get the kind of hardware needed to work with maya.
I do however find it peculiar that the one group of people who have bought the advertisement and the "mac identity" whole heartedly is the advertisers themselves.
For fuck sake people!
Its just hardware! Hardware you need to do your job, nothing else!

If I hear one more colleague say "oh dear, why didn't you spend twice the amount of money for the same hardware so you could have a mac" then I will strangle that person with his/her little round one button mac-vintage mouse.