Friday, March 7, 2008

MTV and us.

I was 12 when my dad decided, on a bit of a whim, to get satellite TV. I used to sneak up on late sunday evnings to watch Vanessa Warick on MTVs headbangersball. I remember pushing the volume down so low that I had to sit 2 inch away from the televisionset, afraid to wake my parents up.
I loved Poison because they had Bret. I loved Skid Row cause they had Sebastian Bach and for some reason, maybe it was the music, I liked the Black Crowes.
I realized I still have MTV when I flipped channels today. It was some rap hiphop special. Back in the days, I hated Dr. dre. Apparently, he has lost some weight and now "pimp cars".
God, I wish i could get The Fuse instead.

Then, along came internet.
I no longer have to wait for my favourite bands to come on, I can make a youtube playlist and go about my business while listening to the best interviews and videos.
Question is, will the TV music channels as we know them be the first to die?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Two great sites to make it through the night

Moustachelove for the logos :)

Update :)

I'm sorry about not posting that much lately, but we all know how it is. I cant believe I've posted in a blog for more than ONE month :)
So, here's a youtubeclip I made recently.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Is the logo trendy then?

A neat little list over the 2008 trendy logos.