Saturday, December 8, 2007

God save the environment!

I saw this wonderful penn and teller clip today:

Though it makes you laugh, it also make you think; Are we turning the fight for environment into a witch hunt. Are we blindly running after everything, barking like blind rabid dogs? I'm not saying that we don't have the cause to worry, or that we shouldn't act.
But this demonstration in my town today demonstrates how the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Gothenburg has an ongoing project, "Christmas town Gothenburg" and basically, that is, lighting up the central parts of Gothenburg like a Christmas tree. So this group of people decides that the best way to work for environment is to go down to the main road and stop traffic for five minutes.
Not to make cutbacks on the Christmas lights, but to make hundred of angry drivers get stuck in traffic while blocking the main road for the towns emergency vehicles.
Does anyone seriously think an action like that would have any good, long or short term affects on the environment?
We are running the risk of turning from behaving like aware consumers into acting like a mob for the environmental cause.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A little rhymes with...

And my tip of the day are these two rhyme generators:
Rhymezone &

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Double standards and crappy websites.

While reading through Futurelab, I saw this article on the topic of unilever and the contradiction between the dove commercials and the axe commercials. I thought that I'd have a look into other major companies with double standards and wanted to compare "Goody 2 shoes" Bennetton with "if you can't see a nipple, it ain't advertisement" Sisley.
I tried to go to Sisleys homepage, but my brand new spiffy 19" laptop widescreen was too small for the pictures. And my 100 Mbit/s connection was apparently to slow cause I couldn't load that many pictures to begin with. Then I went to Benetton only to see this picture:

I bet she needs warm clothes if she is going to have to stay
in the concentration camp all winter.

I guess the conclusion is; if you don't have standards, you cant have double standards. Good for you, Benettongroup!
I wonder if it is Oliviero Toscani who shot this one, and if he did, why he starved it before he killed it and photographed it.

Warm fuzzy feelings vs. annoying sales.

So, trying to read something more than newspapers in the mornings, I've started to read a blog or two, its good since its online and that's where all the newspapers are. Don't think I've read a paper-paper in 6 months now. feels kinda good, and environmental.
This morning, it was time for the weekly reading of The writer, David Gianatasio, proclaims one of the Activias spots to be the most off-kilter spot in recent memory amongst the spots, David mentions this one:

This is the LOLcat take on it:

David also mentions this ad:

While linking to futurelab saying: as many experts believe the HeadOn stuff is effective, at least from a sales standpoint.

I just want to say it once and for all:
Its commercials like "Head on" that gives a market for products like Tivo. While producing spots like head on, we are ruining our own channel of communication with customers.
And its prolly just me, but I kinda felt like getting in touch with my inner self after watching that Activias spot.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

If I ever get a stuffed Bambi...

Then I'm going to order it from Lisa Black.