Friday, January 18, 2008

10 Guerilla ads we remember

Businessweek lists a top ten of Guerilla Campaigns that gathered publicity whilst some think they backfired. Oldies but goodies.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

In need of a design-police?

Become your own officer, download a template from Design Police.

The Corey Delaney soap opera on the net

Internet really can create infamous people over night. Here's some of the propaganda material the photo shopping mob on internet has come up with so far:

And a comic strip as well, just for the sake of it:


Ilustre #5 issue is out, download it from here.

Log me once, shame on me. Log me twice, shame on you.

The European Parliament is to consider statutory controls for online marketing, and in particular behavioural targeting – a growing online trend that tracks website behaviour for advertising purposes.

It is understood there are growing concerns that behavioural targeting could breach privacy rights. The calls will be made at a European Parliament hearing next Monday, which will look into privacy issues and how content can be tailored to a user based on their previous online behaviour.

-Marketing Week

We are undoubtedly entering a new era, laws and society needs to adjust to the new way of communicating that internet has brought upon us. My biggest question is simply; Are the people writing the laws competent enough? Or will new laws be made up at a whim, fitting the occasion and current agenda?

What happens when non tech savvy politicians with a need for control gets to be in charge can be seen in Sweden. The plans for a new form of TV signal transfers started in 1997. Instead of focusing on broadband access with IPTV, the government opted for a much older solution, cause it would guarantee the continued control over what the citizens could see on TV without ordering cable. Now, ten years later, many people, especially older people or people living on the countryside chose not to get a new TV or a digital transfer box for the digital signals.
Public access, if your vote counts for something.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How to get a job as a party promotor

Whilst trying to host a small gathering that was only advertised on MySpace, Naree Warren's own Corey Delaney caused one of the biggest riots South East Melbourne has seen in a while...

Taken from Herald Sun:

"Police, who estimated the crowd at 500, had to retreat until back-up arrived, including the air wing and the dog squad.
The teen who issued an open invitation on MySpace to the party at his family's house while his parents were away is unrepentant.
Corey, 16, acted out every parent's nightmare by staging the party while they were holidaying in Queensland.
Terrified neighbours in Narre Warren South said they feared for their families and homes as a sea of drunken youths lured by the open invitation on the social networking website smashed bottles and destroyed letterboxes.
Corey told the Herald Sun he was expecting 200. He conceded large amounts of alcohol were consumed by the young crowd.

"It was just an open house party and a lot of people came and it overflowed on to the street," Corey said.
"The cops came and told all the people to quiet down and get inside. It just kept getting bigger and bigger.
"There were people bottling cars and the whole streets were flooded with people. We knew we'd get about 200 but there was probably about 300, 400 easily."

Party promoter Tim Sabre, of Raw Entertainment, has offered 16-year-old Corey a job with his events company as a party promoter.

Related links
Vote Corey Delaney - Australia's Biggest Bogan!! - Facebook
"Best part ever" - The guardian
Melbourne youth face party bill - Guardian

Shameless selfpromotion

Im working on a little story about a girl named sofij and finaly got some artwork together.
Sofijs blog is online at :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The morning after the day before

... or the morning before the D day.
A touching campaign by Lowe Bull Cape Town.