Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hello Pampers!

Social conscience is the new shit apparently. People have to feel good about consuming, even if they hardly have any money left for it. So, this one is for pampers:
Dear madame/sir,
I couldn't help but notice your commercial where you offer to buy a vaccine for every package of pampers we buy as consumers. You tried to convince us of how good hearted you are with a commercial.
Well I didn't find the one you air in Sweden, but it was about as pan-global as this one:

Well, seriously, it might sell to a good all American suckermum (is it sockermum or was it hockeymum???) but the rest of the world who have seen American wars and a financial crisis due to American consumers, we don't want to feel American.
I know you can make a local adjustment and just put a voiceover on it, its not that expensive and it can be beautiful done. Like you did in Holland. But you choose to be cheap about it, and it will hurt your brand.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The black parade kills itself

The punk/rock band My chemical romance have been targeted by the Daily Mail for a while now. This is about how things went:

Daily mail made an article about the dangerous "Emo cult" and pointed out My Chemical Romance as leader of the pack.

The singer from My Chemical Romance talked about the issue at a rock concert, stating that "nothing is worth harming yourselves over" and proceeded to agitate the crowd to chant the slogan of the year "Fuck the Daily Mail!"

The Daily Mail digs up a suicide, a 13 year old girl who had been listening to the music for a couple of weeks according to the Daily Mail. They proceed by using this girls death as a bat to take a swing at My Chemical Romance. They blame the band for the young girls death and claim that "The black parade" is a "place you go to when you die".

The fans of the band comes together and arranges a protest, held on May 31:st in London.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Kat Von D and the not so permanent colors

Kat Von D just launch her own make up line, working with Sephora. Guess it was just a matter of time but I like the brushset ^^

I wonder how long until Lancome claim infringement on their rose logo.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Have you ever slammed the phone after talking to a government employee muttering "wankers!"?
Well, if you look at OGC, the Office of Government Commerce and their new logo, it may be closer to the truth than you think.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One of those mancrushes...

Its official, I have a mancrush on Scott Hansen and and the work he produces. And I couldn't attend his workshop in Stockholm, poop! But, If you havn't attended a workshop with him, there's the next best thing, you can pick up your very own print art from his webshop.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Sigur Rós released the whole video on youtube. Don't we just love them :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

MTV and us.

I was 12 when my dad decided, on a bit of a whim, to get satellite TV. I used to sneak up on late sunday evnings to watch Vanessa Warick on MTVs headbangersball. I remember pushing the volume down so low that I had to sit 2 inch away from the televisionset, afraid to wake my parents up.
I loved Poison because they had Bret. I loved Skid Row cause they had Sebastian Bach and for some reason, maybe it was the music, I liked the Black Crowes.
I realized I still have MTV when I flipped channels today. It was some rap hiphop special. Back in the days, I hated Dr. dre. Apparently, he has lost some weight and now "pimp cars".
God, I wish i could get The Fuse instead.

Then, along came internet.
I no longer have to wait for my favourite bands to come on, I can make a youtube playlist and go about my business while listening to the best interviews and videos.
Question is, will the TV music channels as we know them be the first to die?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Two great sites to make it through the night

Moustachelove for the logos :)

Update :)

I'm sorry about not posting that much lately, but we all know how it is. I cant believe I've posted in a blog for more than ONE month :)
So, here's a youtubeclip I made recently.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Is the logo trendy then?

A neat little list over the 2008 trendy logos.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

3 degrees of separation - from Bill Gates

Bill Gates just signed up to Linked In, go see if you have him in your network :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Simple yet beautiful

This was posted at adland today. So simple, yet, so beautiful.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sweet on the outside

Perfect pictures

Perfect pictures for an imperfect world.
Its an old concept, and an old video, wonderful execution though.

Stranger than feetion

1-10 deserves 5 stars

This one was shown during tokyo design week 2007, still beautiful non the less:

But its actually from a japaneese group called wow.

Tips trix and photoshop, but in swedish.

Thought I'd post this one for the Swedish few. My blog at Cap & Design is mostly about tips and trix of the trade. Cheers!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A fellow blogger

My link of the day is "Cup of Java" here at blogger.

What if the world stopped around you?

200 People Freeze In Grand Central - Watch more free videos
I wish I was there.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Top 100 best 3D movies

CG Society listed the top 100 best 3D movies in this article.

Oh! A sponge!

Designsponge is the link of the day.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Doh! I Did it all wrong!

When sex sells

When sex sells; that's when playboy makes a top 21 sexiest commercials.

This is a remake of a once glorius blogpost

If your making a movie about 2 guys recreating movies, your bound to have a French man in afro wig recreating your trailer.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

MTV enters the IT era.

MTV reported that for December 2007 page impressions for its site were up 75% compared to December 2006, while there was also a 771% increase in the number of clips viewed during that time. It also found that the average time people spent on its site is up by nearly 50% last year.

Could it be, MTV has decided to make a site you can actually use? (I would love to have answered yes, but I just cant.)

Related links -

Apple & Windows, go home!

Monday, January 28, 2008


WARSAW (Reuters) - It’s official. Postal delivery is as slow as snails, at least in Poland.

An IT worker, after receiving a letter on January 3 that was sent on December 20 as priority mail, calculated that a snail would have made it even faster to his home than the letter.

Daily Gazeta Wyborcza said Michal Szybalski calculated that it took 294 hours for the letter to arrive at his home. He also said the distance between his home and the sender was 11.1 kilometers.

Given the distance and the time, the speed of the letter was 0.03775 kilometers per hour. Szybalski calculated that a garden snail travels at around 0.048 kilometers per hour.

ahhh... the humanity... erm, I mean, scientology.

-Will you carbonate the Fanta? -No!

Fanta still is set to hit the stores in the UK next month. For those of you who wonders if even will be possible to drink the non carbonated Fanta, I recommend a trip to Sweden. The old brand and drink "MER" ("more") will prolly be the closest thing to it. Oh, and its owned by the Swedish division of coka cola.

Links of the day

This flikr keyboard is about the most bizarre thing I've seen since Britney shaved her head.

The decapitator has a flikr account as well.

This weekend buzzed about an NKOTB reunion and Dlisted futured an article about a woman who went on to craigslist, posting an ad for a hitman.

Then theres some peanuts that looks like duks.

And as a final note, if your roommate dies, don't drag his body to the post office to cash his Social Security check.

How the biohazard symbol came to be

This interesting article was posted on bold today. It's an article by Charles Baldwin, the creator of the Biohazard symbol.

One of the two only flying machines

The British Flying Machine had a wonderful chorus saying "I'm still waiting on the shores of nowhere, waiting for my life to begin, baby I'm a looser" (Later found in a much less wonderful recording by the Foundations.)
I got a vinyl record player for my birthday and realized how ironically beautiful the other tracks on their record can be.
The only recording I could find on youtube is one by Helen Shapiro:

The only Flying Machine recording I could find on youtube was "Smile a little smile for me".
The user providing the video below has some wonderful old musicvideos online.

Related links: Bubblegum University

So, you want to change the world?

I was feeling a little bit blue and bored, trying to make my plans match with a speech held by David Carson in Stockholm soon. I googled the phrase "I want to change the world" and got only 86 600 hits. Apparently this is the way to do it.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Disney Teams up with Anne again

For the second year in a row, Anne Leibovitz teams up with disney to shoot fantasy inspired beautiful pictures for the "Year of a Million Dreams" campaign.
This year, Gisele joins Mikhail Baryshnikov and Tina Fey (as Tinkerbell — brilliant!) in a scene from Peter Pan, while Jessica Biel takes on the role of Pocahontas (perfectly cast as well). J Lo and Marc are on Aladdin's magic carpet, while Whoopi Goldberg's a Genie in a Bottle.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Are you a hillbillie or just into advertisement

As the blog "stureplans vackraste" recently pointed out, its hard to know if this is a hillbillie or just someone whos working on the brand "Norrlands Guld".

I just love what Åkestam has done with Norrlands Guld by the way, long live the Norrlänning :D

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What do you mean, "You're not Kevin Spacey?"

This interview with John Cusack kinda makes me cringe and chuckle at the same time.

British government declares war, on obesity.

No more treats for the Brits.

The Government has pledged £75m on an advertising campaign as part of a £372m strategy aimed at beating the obesity "time bomb". The marketing drive will focus on helping parents to make changes to their children's diet and activity levels.

The strategy was announced before Parliament by Health Secretary Alan Johnson and Ed Balls, the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families. The Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives report calls for £75m to be spent to 2011 on an integrated marketing programme. The Government expects commercial partners to contribute.

It reads: "This will not be a Government campaign telling people how to raise their children; rather, a Government-encouraged movement, to which everyone... can belong and contribute."

The primary emphasis will be on preventative measures and establishing better eating habits and patterns of activity from early infancy.

The Government has also instructed media regulator Ofcom to bring forward its review of the restrictions already introduced on advertising unhealthy foods to children. It will work with the food and drink industry to produce a Healthy Food Code of Good Practice, including proposals to develop a single approach to food labelling.

The strategy also includes plans to halt the growth of fast-food outlets near schools as well as the creation of "healthy" towns and revamping the NHS Choices website to include more diet and exercise advice.

Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson says "balanced" marketing, promotion of food to children and clear, consistent food labelling are key components, alongside healthy eating and physical activity in "beating the obesity time bomb".

Already, retailers including Asda have backed the call for a consistent approach to nutritional labelling. In July 2007, Asda launched a dual labelling system, combining the benefits of 'traffic lights' with GDAs, over and above the Food Standard Agency's (FSA) recommendations. The supermarket also says it has become the first retailer to hit the FSA's salt reduction targets from own-brand products two years ahead of a 2010 deadline.

Catherine Turner
Marketing Week

Why bembo sucks:

I love Typography just published an interesting article on the problems of digital fonts, by typedesigner Kris Sowersby.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Why so serious?

I've been eagerly waiting for the next batman movie, the last one was awesome and from what I've seen, Heath Ledger plays a wicked joker. It will be kinda morbid, and I'm quite bummed out about Heath. R.i.p dear.

Spermbag! Get yourself a spermbag! dubbed Mother Londons selfpromotion bags as "project of the month"
AGENCY: Mother London
CREATIVES: Jonas Wittenmark, Markus Bjurman, Tobias Carlson

Who is Robert Saville?? I don't get it, hes not Swedish, is he? *snicker*

Monday, January 21, 2008

Waiting for my real life to begin

Link of the day, a reminder to not wait until tomorrow ;)

Friday, January 18, 2008

10 Guerilla ads we remember

Businessweek lists a top ten of Guerilla Campaigns that gathered publicity whilst some think they backfired. Oldies but goodies.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

In need of a design-police?

Become your own officer, download a template from Design Police.

The Corey Delaney soap opera on the net

Internet really can create infamous people over night. Here's some of the propaganda material the photo shopping mob on internet has come up with so far:

And a comic strip as well, just for the sake of it:


Ilustre #5 issue is out, download it from here.

Log me once, shame on me. Log me twice, shame on you.

The European Parliament is to consider statutory controls for online marketing, and in particular behavioural targeting – a growing online trend that tracks website behaviour for advertising purposes.

It is understood there are growing concerns that behavioural targeting could breach privacy rights. The calls will be made at a European Parliament hearing next Monday, which will look into privacy issues and how content can be tailored to a user based on their previous online behaviour.

-Marketing Week

We are undoubtedly entering a new era, laws and society needs to adjust to the new way of communicating that internet has brought upon us. My biggest question is simply; Are the people writing the laws competent enough? Or will new laws be made up at a whim, fitting the occasion and current agenda?

What happens when non tech savvy politicians with a need for control gets to be in charge can be seen in Sweden. The plans for a new form of TV signal transfers started in 1997. Instead of focusing on broadband access with IPTV, the government opted for a much older solution, cause it would guarantee the continued control over what the citizens could see on TV without ordering cable. Now, ten years later, many people, especially older people or people living on the countryside chose not to get a new TV or a digital transfer box for the digital signals.
Public access, if your vote counts for something.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How to get a job as a party promotor

Whilst trying to host a small gathering that was only advertised on MySpace, Naree Warren's own Corey Delaney caused one of the biggest riots South East Melbourne has seen in a while...

Taken from Herald Sun:

"Police, who estimated the crowd at 500, had to retreat until back-up arrived, including the air wing and the dog squad.
The teen who issued an open invitation on MySpace to the party at his family's house while his parents were away is unrepentant.
Corey, 16, acted out every parent's nightmare by staging the party while they were holidaying in Queensland.
Terrified neighbours in Narre Warren South said they feared for their families and homes as a sea of drunken youths lured by the open invitation on the social networking website smashed bottles and destroyed letterboxes.
Corey told the Herald Sun he was expecting 200. He conceded large amounts of alcohol were consumed by the young crowd.

"It was just an open house party and a lot of people came and it overflowed on to the street," Corey said.
"The cops came and told all the people to quiet down and get inside. It just kept getting bigger and bigger.
"There were people bottling cars and the whole streets were flooded with people. We knew we'd get about 200 but there was probably about 300, 400 easily."

Party promoter Tim Sabre, of Raw Entertainment, has offered 16-year-old Corey a job with his events company as a party promoter.

Related links
Vote Corey Delaney - Australia's Biggest Bogan!! - Facebook
"Best part ever" - The guardian
Melbourne youth face party bill - Guardian

Shameless selfpromotion

Im working on a little story about a girl named sofij and finaly got some artwork together.
Sofijs blog is online at :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The morning after the day before

... or the morning before the D day.
A touching campaign by Lowe Bull Cape Town.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Vektorika #10 is out!

Vektorika number 10 is out and free for download from vektorjunkie. Make sure to download your fix now. ;)

Kirsten looks fab for the first time in ages

I've missed the fab looking kirsten, and I'm glad she's back as the new face for miu miu.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

This is a car ad.

This beautiful ad is made by People’s Republic of Animation, cgtalk made an article about the production recently.