Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Warm fuzzy feelings vs. annoying sales.

So, trying to read something more than newspapers in the mornings, I've started to read a blog or two, its good since its online and that's where all the newspapers are. Don't think I've read a paper-paper in 6 months now. feels kinda good, and environmental.
This morning, it was time for the weekly reading of adfreak.com. The writer, David Gianatasio, proclaims one of the Activias spots to be the most off-kilter spot in recent memory amongst the spots, David mentions this one:

This is the LOLcat take on it:

David also mentions this ad:

While linking to futurelab saying: as many experts believe the HeadOn stuff is effective, at least from a sales standpoint.

I just want to say it once and for all:
Its commercials like "Head on" that gives a market for products like Tivo. While producing spots like head on, we are ruining our own channel of communication with customers.
And its prolly just me, but I kinda felt like getting in touch with my inner self after watching that Activias spot.

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