Thursday, December 27, 2007

UPS just made it onto my hatelist

I ordered a mac book a week before Christmas, it was ment as a Christmas gift to my husband and the people at apple was very helpful and tried to get all the paperwork done to deliver before Christmas. Unfortunately, the laptop wasn't sent until the 20:th of December and set to be delivered today.
When I called UPS, I was told that I needed to stay home all day to wait for the package. That's alright, I changed some meetings and worked from home. Half way through the working day, I called UPS to double-checked the address and name they where supposed to deliver to, not a problem, they had the correct address. I called at 16:25 cause it was supposed to be delivered before 17:00, I was told that "he has a whole 35 minutes left to deliver".
According to the trackingsystem, they had no accurate address or name, I called them to tripple-check it, and told them they had the right address. I also went outside and put up a big note for the driver on my door.

"To the UPS guy/gal, my name is GREEN, here is my doorbell"

Yet, I just received the notice that there was no accurate recipient at the address when they tried to deliver the package.
I have double and triple and quadruple checked the name and address on every invoice, in the UPS system and with the UPS custom service. It just happened to be late and it rained so the person delivering the packages decided to write it off as unknown address and go home to watch porn or something. Cause if the person was at the address given, no way you could miss the sign over the only doorbells there is.
And when I call UPS, they tell me that they have been here and that it is my fault and that I should stay home tomorrow as well to wait for them to deliver.
UPS just made it onto my hatelist.

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